The World Needs More Pie

"Give a Piece a Chance." — Books. Blog. Pie Classes. And a Pinch of Activism.

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World Piece Gets a Little Press

At KRUU-FM, solar-powered radio, in Fairfield, Iowa.With one of my favorite hosts, Steve Boss of “Great Taste.”  While I consider my World Piece journey a personal one, it is also nice to have people — and sometimes the media — take notice. I say “nice” mainly because I hope the effort I am making will […]

Made it to Iowa…Only to Face Forgotten Perils

We made it to Iowa. We may have prevailed over all those near disasters getting from LA to here, but even after only six months away, I had forgotten how perilous living in Iowa can be! It’s the little things that can kill you. I arrived to a home-cooked meal of Ham Balls. I wrote about […]

The World Needs More Pie Store is Now Open!

The demand for World Piece aprons and t-shirts was so high, I created a store on Cafe Press. I even added a World Piece coffee mug. Your purchase will help fund my round-the-world journey. So not only will you help make the world a better place, you’ll look cool wearing this hand-drawn artwork made just […]

World Piece Kicks Off with an Epic Trans-American RV Road Trip

America the Beautiful — as seen through an RV windshield. If you are ever going to drive your RV cross country and get a severe toothache in the middle of a hail storm, the best possible place to pull off the interstate is Fruita, Colorado. Or so I learned on my way to Iowa this […]

Planning, Packing and Paring Down: Does It Spark Joy?

I leave on my round-the-world trip one month from today (though it really begins in just 2-½ weeks with my drive to Iowa to drop off my dog Jack at “summer camp.”) I am excited, yes, but I am also bogged down in planning and packing. And neither of those things are the most enjoyable […]

Why It Pays to Resist Your ‘Inner Pig Dog’

Redondo Beach, 23 April 2015, Me with local resident Nina and Aussie adventurer Rob I had one of those days today, the kind where I had to fight off my resistance to getting out of the house. I had to take my Mini in for its third service in three weeks, but what I really […]

World Piece: Soundtrack for a Round-the-World Journey

Preparing for a trip around the world requires a little planning. Okay, a lot of planning. And I don’t love planning. I’m more the type to just wing it. I usually get on a plane without ever having glanced at a guidebook and trust that I’ll find my way. In all my years of traveling […]

WORLD PIECE: Announcing my global pie-making mission!

The Concept On June 2nd, I will be embarking on a round-the-world journey I’m calling “World Piece.” I came up with this idea after writing my memoir, “Making Piece: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Pie,” as a way to extend the theme of making and sharing pie with others to make the world a […]