Cause and Effect: A Pie is Born in Switzerland

I love it when this happens! Eve, my friend in Switzerland, read my blog from the other day about our Skype conversation and the subsequent posting of pictures from our Alps ski week in 2005.

In response, I was greeted with an email in my inbox this afternoon which included this picture of Eve holding an apple pie fresh from her oven in Oberdiessbach!

She writes:

Here is the pie in your dish!
I hope it tastes better then it looks!
We’ll have it for dinner soon, I’m already starving…
Big hug, Eve

I couldn’t believe it! I was touched, flattered, and, especially, amused. I think the pie looks great. No doubt it tastes wunderbar. And I’m happy she’s putting my old dish to good use—even if it took making our story public.

(Re: The Dish—Yes, I use rectangular pie plates sometimes. Oval and square ones, too. Basically I’ll use any shallow pan that I can find.)