Yesterday I got to bake pies in my old place of employment, Malibu Kitchen. They aren’t set up for pie baking the way they used to be. I couldn’t find anything, including the recipe for Coconut Cream Pie, which meant our “serious” documetary turned into a standup comedy routine as I scrambled — with the camera rolling — searching for a rolling pin, bowl, and spoons.

Here’s Janice, producer and cameraperson. If not for her love of pie we wouldn’t be doing this TV pilot. And so far we are having a blast. And eating some pretty good pie.

After dropping off a fresh-baked coconut cream pie at my mom’s house in Playa del Rey — for her 73rd birthday (I missed her birthday party because of our shoot) — we headed to Venice to host a pie baking party for a group of 30-something singles. The premise was
baking a pie for a man is a sure way to land a husband! I am living proof of this, I assured them, as my mom baked my dad a banana cream pie, nailed the marriage proposal, and is still married 50 years later!

Today we are headed east to Colton, California to
Mommie Helen’s Bakery, whose sweet potato pie is a favorite of NBA stars Shaquille O’Neal and Magic Johnson.