Happy Author, Happy FedEx Guy

When I made that strawberry crumble pie on Friday, I had the idea to share a slice of it with the FedEx guy when he delivered my cookbook. On Monday morning at 10 a.m. I just happened to open the door  and saw the FedEx truck parked. I summed up the situation: FedEx Driver. Check. Package in hand. Check. Package that looks like it could be a hardcover book (er, my cookbook). Check. “Is that for me?” I asked. When he confirmed the apartment number I practically snatched the large envelope out of his hand and started ripping it open as I turned back toward the door. Realizing I was caught up in my excitement and being rude to the delivery man, I spun around on my heel and said, “Wait. Would you like a piece of pie?” He raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Sure,” he said.

Look at that cute blue & white gingham book spine!

I handed the book to my boyfriend, Dave, and went back inside to get the pie (I served it on a gingham paper plate I had handy but had to rummage around for a plastic fork.) Dave, stayed outside with Mr. FedEx and the book. Dave was as excited as me about seeing the cookbook in print for the first time. After all, he had seen me through and supported me during the last stages of editing, not only providing a beautiful place to work but he brought me breakfast and lunch so I could stay on task. 

I love the artistic touches like the gingham on the inside cover of the book.
Plus, the photos are so beautiful. It makes me miss my house! (But I’ll be home soon.)
Chapters are organized by my essays about the ways pies can affect you.
I like this one: “Pies to Keep an Open Mind.”
But I also like the chapter “Pies to Seduce.”

When I came back outside Dave had flipped through the pages and was showing the FedEx guy the picture of Daisy (posted in Friday’s blog). “Here’s proof this really is her cookbook, he said pointing at the picture, then pointing to my curly-haired white dog in real life who was sitting on the sidewalk next to him.

The FedEx guy eagerly accepted the pie and then agreed to pose for a photo. “I need to commemorate the occasion,” I said. “Especially since I already blogged about giving you a piece of pie.”

“This is a first for me,” he said. “No one has ever given me pie before.”

Ha! I love it when I hear that. I love that now whenever he comes to deliver packages to this building — and since it’s a big complex he’s probably here every day — he will have a happy memory of a sunny day, a slice of homemade fresh strawberry pie, and an excited author who was the very appreciative recipient of his special delivery.

“MS. AMERICAN PIE” will be in bookstores on April 15.