My TEDx Des Moines Women Talk is Now Online

In December I had the privilege of giving a TEDx talk in Des Moines, Iowa. I’ve given many speeches over the past few years, but this one was special to me. If you’re familiar with TED and its independently organized TEDx events, then you know what I mean. TED stands for technology, entertainment and design, though it has expanded beyond those categories. The format of these talks is short — limited to 15 minutes — so you have to be succinct and organized in your presentation to tell your story, to make your point.

My point is to help make the world a better place by encouraging people to give of themselves. My vehicle for this — my metaphor — is pie. I learned after my husband died 4 years ago that by making pie (by hand) and sharing it with others I could make people feel happy and in turn make myself feel better. It’s a simple concept using a simple dessert, but has a surprisingly powerful impact.

The idea behind these TEDx talks is for them to be accessible (for free) online so that they can be shared (like pie!) and even go viral so no one is excluded from getting a slice of inspiration. So feel free to share this — and hopefully you will also be inspired to make and share a pie. Thanks for watching!