Pie TV Shoot Stats

As promised, we added up the numbers for our pie TV shoot. Here’s the final tally.RV Road Trip
Number of miles driven in the RV (RT Portland-Los Angeles, and including my Christmas trip to Arizona): 4,521
Number of miles I drove RV prior to this trip: 0
Number of parking or speeding tickets: 0 (yay!)
Number of dings on the RV roof from parallel parking too close to trees: 4
Number of hours spent caulking the leaky roof: 5
Number of times Janice fought to keep Jack off her lap before giving up: 9

Number of times people honked because of our pie sign in the window: 67
Number of Café Lattes served to Janice over 12 mornings: 12
Number of times we sang “Pants on the Ground”: 26
Number of times we imitated Pigmy Will’s voice: too many!

Number of In ‘N Out burgers eaten: 3 each

Pie Interviews and Consumption

Number of pie bakers interviewed: 12
Age of oldest person interviewed: 92
Age of youngest person interviewed: 7
Number of people we taught to bake pies: 13 (14 if you include Janice)

Number of pounds of apples purchased: 160
Number of pies baked: 58
Number of pie slices given away on National Pie Day: 384
Number of pieces of pie eaten in 12 days: 21 each!
Number of pie varieties eaten: 12
Number of bites of coconut cream pie Janice ate: 1
Number of pounds gained: 0 (Ha!)

Number of months since Marcus died: 6 (you didn’t think I forgot about him, did you?!)
Number of times we thanked him for doing “advance security” for us: 24
Number of times I cried on camera about him: 3
Number of hours out of 8 I wished he could have been with us giving out pie slices on National Pie Day: 8

Follow up
Number of post-shoot (hand-written, not email) thank you cards I’ve sent so far: 0 (gotta go so I can get those written!)
Number of hours I’ve spent (so far) working out content for the next 12 episodes: 6