Sneak Preview: The Intro to my Cookbook “Ms. American Pie” (In stores April 2014)

My second book, “Ms. American Pie,” will be in stores in another month. Giving birth to a book for the second time is just as scary as it was the first. It involves all the same labor pains and anticipation I felt before. You would think it would be easier knowing how well “Making Piece” was received. But this is a different kind of book for me, a cookbook, filled with recipes and essays, and pictures of pie, of my famous little house, and…gulp…of me.

My hope for this book is simply that it helps people get past their fear of making their own pie. And that once they do, they will make it and share it with others. Sharing something that you made yourself, with your own two hands, taking the time to put your heart and soul into it, well, I’m convinced that this gesture of generosity, care, and love can make the world a better place.

With permission from my publisher, I’m sharing a sneak preview of the introduction from the book. If it’s too small to read, just click on the pictures to make them larger. Better yet, just buy the book. You can pre-order it now for arrival in April. The book has 10 essays and 80 recipes, all simple, easy to make. And no food processor required.

To pre-order “Ms. American Pie” please click here, where you can choose from several booksellers.