Seven Years

“Seven Years in Tibet,” “The Seven Year Itch,” seven chakras, the seven-year Shemitah cycle, there is a lot tied to this particular number of years.  Today marks the seventh anniversary of Marcus’s death. That day. That phone call. That searing pain of a broken heart so shattered I wanted to crawl out of my skin. […]

RV Book Tour: Week Three, California

I’m sitting at a Starbucks in Malibu right now with just a little time left before for tonight’s 7pm book event at Diesel Book Store. I dropped off Ari Cheren, my last travel companion/co-driver/videographer, at his apartment in LA and am now traveling on my own in The Beast. Well, me and Team Terrier. But […]

My Book Tour Begins!

My book (or my baby, depending on how you look at it) has arrived! It was born healthy, a robust 10 ounces (or whatever a 320-page hardcover book weighs) and so far everyone is telling me how much they love my new arrival. PHEW! So I’m going to stop focusing on the bitter and hold tightly […]