The World Needs More Pie

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The First Pie of 2009: It’s Pecan!

My first pie of 2009 wasn’t made from the pecans on our trees in Mexico. In fact, I never did get to make a pie from the pecans growing in our backyard. The pecan harvest passed me by while I was traveling in Europe for six weeks this fall. Even if I hadn’t been away I still wouldn’t have reaped the benefits of the harvest as we moved out of our house which sat on the edge of the Saltillo, Mexico pecan farm. Our house had developed so much mold, a serious problem that started with the fungus on the pecan tree that grew inside our house, that we had to find another place to live. Which ended up being two separate places. Marcus moved a half mile away to a better insulated home and I moved back to Los Angeles. He continues to work 14 hour days at his job and, instead of spending my days as a lonely Hausfrau struggling to get by in Spanish, I am reinvigorating my own work life back in the hustle of a big American city where English is still the principal language. I intend to continue with my Spanish lessons, resume my pie blogging (sorry for my lengthy absence), and, as you can see above, bake more pie. Don’t worry about the husband, he’s still in the picture. Marcus came to LA over New Year’s where we commemorated the good times we spent on the Mexican pecan farm with — there you see it — a pecan pie. I bought the pecans, already shelled and cleaned, from Costco. Here’s to more harvests and more pies of all kinds in 2009. Cheers, everyone.