My Cookbook is Alive and Doing Well!

I‘m so happy (and relieved) that my second book is finally out (no more “Gulp” stage, phew!) Not only that, I am getting such a positive response to it. It’s debuting at #2 on the bestseller list of pie books — and it’s only been out 2 days!

“It’s so pretty,” is what I’m hearing. 

“I can’t wait to try the recipes.” 

“You have given me the confidence to try making a pie.” 

“I love the stories.”

“I stayed up and read it cover to cover.”

I love that one reviewer said “Howard’s on a mission to ‘take the fear out of making pie’ with no-fuss tips and cheeky writing. It’s like having your sassy best friend who is also an accomplished baker teach you everything you need to know about pie.” Yes! She really got it!

Here is a sampling of reviews: 

The Good Cook

The Good Cook (Q&A)

Chow Bella Phoenix (Review)

Chow Bella Phoenix (Beth’s Pie Tips)

(Feel free to post your own on AmazonGoodReads and anywhere else)