The World Needs More Pie

"Give a Piece a Chance." — Books. Blog. Pie Classes. And a Pinch of Activism.

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You can Also Find Me on Facebook

Just a reminder — especially to those of you who are waiting impatiently for me to update my blog (sorry, it’s been hard to write when I am baking every day for the Pitchfork Pie Stand) — I have a “business” page on Facebook, The World Needs More Pie. If you check in over there you will get more frequent news bits and photos from me, as well as alerts — like when I (finally!) update my blog with a new post. (PS: I don’t believe you have to have a Facebook account to view the page.)

And if you’re waiting for more than a blog post or tidbits on Facebook — as in you can’t wait to read my book, “Making Piece: Love, Loss, and the Healing Power of Pie” — the good news is that not only is my memoir still on track for an April 1 publish date, but I am already at work on my next one!