Your FAQs Answered

With the Pitchfork Pie Stand closed since Labor Day you would think I might have updated my blog by now. But no. I have been busy. Perfecting the art of downtime. This said downtime — much-needed and well-earned after a demanding summer — isn’t something I am good at, but it doesn’t matter. It won’t last. Things will gear up for my book launch, starting with an October trip to New York to meet my agent and publisher, and a few new writing projects are set to begin soon. At this rate I will likely continue to neglect my blog. But since I keep getting asked questions about the status of certain things in my life, I thought a little summary might suffice in the meantime.

This is Naf-Naf, the latest addition to the American Gothic House pack.

Q: Why aren’t you updating your blog more often?
A: See answer above. If that doesn’t satisfy you, see answer below.

Q: Whatever happened with H? 
A: H’s visit in August was too short and it was too hard to say goodbye, so he flew home, packed up his clothes, his shaving kit, his dog and his guinea pig and drove back to Iowa with his menagerie. So, yeah, after just two dates (how does one define “dates” that lasted 5 days each?), H and his animals are basically living in the American Gothic House with me and Team Terrier. After 3 weeks…well, so far so good. H is an entrepreneur who is in between projects (thus his ability to pick up and spend time in rural Iowa). He is teaching me how to sleep more, stress less, laugh often, and spend time just walking the dogs, riding bikes, and reading. His calming energy is far more effective than time-release melatonin.

Q: Are you done with your book? When is it coming out?
A: “Making Piece: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Pie” is essentially done. The cover art is just about finalized, as is the copy for the book jacket. I have one more read-through to do before it goes to print and I should be receiving that last editable version any day now. I just finished compiling an extensive media contact list and publicity ideas for the publisher — no small effort! The book is still scheduled to come out in hardback April 2012. Still about 6 months to go. The process feels like a damn pregnancy. Not that I would know, but the gestation period is about the same, as is the level of anticipation — and fear of labor.

Q: Are you still making pies? Are you taking special orders? Teaching pie classes?
A: Yes, I’m still making pies. For H and me. And let me tell you, I enjoy making, say, 3 pies much more than making 53. And in that case, I enjoy eating them more too. I made a pie for my 10-year-old friend Chloe on Friday as a “get well” present. She had been in an ATV accident and needed some cheering up. (Lest we forget: Pie heals.) I made a pie for H’s business partner and his wife who came by the AGH on Friday afternoon. I made a few pies-in-a-jar and stashed them in my freezer — just because. So yes, I’m still making pies. Because I love making pies. And I love sharing pies with others. But because I don’t love selling pie (I prefer giving it away whenever possible!) I am not currently taking special orders. I am still teaching pie classes (which I always love doing because I love seeing the happiness and sense of accomplishment others experience when making their own pie) and now have weekends available for classes in my kitchen.

Q: When will the Pitchfork Pie Stand be open again?
A: I plan to open the pie stand again in the late spring, around Memorial Day. I am already thinking about next year’s business strategy and how to manage the volume (and keep my stress level down). That said, the pie stand will be open for a one-day special event — the Pumpkin Pie Palooza — on October 29, in conjunction with the American Gothic House Center’s Halloween festivities. The pie stand will be open from 12 to 4 and we’ll have pumpkin and apple pie. And maybe even a petting zoo (i.e.: H’s chow and guinea pig.) Hope to see you then.