The World Needs More Pie

"Give a Piece a Chance." — Books. Blog. Pie Classes. And a Pinch of Activism.

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Day 5: TV Pilot — 50 Pie Marathon

On Friday (sorry, I’m a day behind on blogging) I assembled a group of my closest friends, plus a few other helpers, in a borrowed big kitchen in Santa Monica. Our goal was to make 50 pies in one day to give them away — one slice at a time — the following day for National Pie Day.

Jane, my British baker friend (pictured above in foreground) I worked with at Malibu Kitchen nine years ago, took charge of monitoring the pies in the oven as I continued to roll dough, assemble pies and crimp crusts. Nan, my best friend since age 12, along with Melissa and Melissa’s mom Carlene and Melissa’s housekeeper Thelma, peeled and sliced apples for four continuous hours.
Pictured above: an oven full of apple pie waiting to be enjoyed by the masses. Gorgeous!
Pictured above: Nan and I — “Team Pie” — inside the RV, tired but proud that we reached our goal.

A special thanks to Bill at Malibu Kitchen for donating the 50 bakery boxes (pink, my favorite color!) and 50 pie tins.

It’s a wrap. The pies in their boxes fill the RV. Note the boxes of forks and plates on the floor. We’re ready for the big Pie Giveaway.