Pie, American Gothic Style: My Latest House Guest Writes About Her Stay

I don’t normally do this, re-post someone else’s blog, but this story by Christine Buckley still resonates with me. Christine was my latest house guest at the American Gothic House and she wrote about her pie baking experience here. In her piece, she truly captured the essence of pie and how it heals, something I am still attempting, after hundreds of my own blog posts, to articulate. She’s on a cross-country, soul-searching road trip, and Eldon, Iowa was just another stop along her planned three-month journey. I like to think it will be her most memorable one.

Christine and her Prius, ready to get back on the road.

If you are a Facebook friend of mine (or you “like” The World Needs More Pie page on FB), then you’ve already seen her story. But I felt it warranted a place here, a little more permanence (if that concept is even possible in the blogosphere), so here it is– Christine’s Seeking Shama blog, where the Pitchfork Pie Stand makes its debut.

Christine is also blogging for the Huffington Post and rumor has it she’ll be posting something about the American Gothic House there too. I hope she’ll write about our night volunteering for Bingo at the community center and going for milkshakes at the Southside Pharmacy — and, of course, more about pie. We shall see.

Christine’s new blog design was created while she was here, upstairs in the American Gothic House. Using Skype to connect screens with webmeister Shanti Sosienski, they used 21st century technology in this 19th century house. Pretty cool!

One last word, then I have to go back to the kitchen and check on my pies in the oven: I highly recommend this road trip, drive-to-self-discovery kind of travel to anyone as you never know what road sign will lead you to a new and surprising destiny. Um, Crater Lake. American Gothic House. Just saying. I hope Christine will find what she’s looking for out there on the road. Or, better yet, it will find her. Either way, it’s sure to be — and already has been — an exciting adventure.

The American Gothic Hotel is now taking reservations for the next house guests.