Seven Years

“Seven Years in Tibet,” “The Seven Year Itch,” seven chakras, the seven-year Shemitah cycle, there is a lot tied to this particular number of years.  Today marks the seventh anniversary of Marcus’s death. That day. That phone call. That searing pain of a broken heart so shattered I wanted to crawl out of my skin. […]

Rescuing The Beast — and Revisiting its History

Today I was planning on writing about the evolution of a logo — the World Piece logo, which turned out so beautifully thanks to a certain artist friend who you’ve previously read about on this blog. But the day didn’t go exactly as I had planned. And thus, instead of the logo, I can’t stop […]

RV Book Tour: LA to Austin

Here’s one of those “It could only happen on an RV book tour” kind of stories. And even though I should be taking a nap right now (I need it!), I can’t sleep because I really want to – NEED to – tell this story. I’ve been sick – as in two trips to the […]

RV Grief (er, BOOK) Tour: Welcome to the ER

I once heard that grief is held in the lungs. If that is true then it’s no wonder I’ve had bronchitis since I arrived in Portland on my book tour. (That was on April 6!) Portland is where Marcus and I had lived together for nearly two years out of our six-year marriage. Portland is […]

RV Book Tour: Week Five, Stats So Far

It is Week Five out of six on my “Pie Across the Nation” RV Book Tour to promote my new memoir, “Making Piece.” I’ve traveled from Eldon, Iowa (where I live in the American Gothic House), driving the 24-foot RV my husband left behind. Affectionately called “The Beast,” I packed up my two terriers, my […]

RV Book Tour: Week Three, California

I’m sitting at a Starbucks in Malibu right now with just a little time left before for tonight’s 7pm book event at Diesel Book Store. I dropped off Ari Cheren, my last travel companion/co-driver/videographer, at his apartment in LA and am now traveling on my own in The Beast. Well, me and Team Terrier. But […]

Still Week Two on the RV Book Tour: SEATTLE!

Ari Cheren’s video editing is getting even better. Here’s his second installment of the “Pie Across the Nation” RV Book Tour video update. Here we are in Seattle. As you can see, it’s been a jam-packed schedule. And as you can hear, I’ve lost my voice. With a little help from Vick’s Vapo-Rub, my lungs […]

RV Book Tour: Week Two, Portland, Oregon

Since I have had no time to write, here’s a glimpse into Week Two of the “Pie Across the Nation” RV Book Tour in the form of a video. Thanks to Ari Cheren — this week’s co-“pielot” driving The Beast — who is also a field producer. He’s worked on shows including “Amazing Race” and […]

RV Book Tour: Week One — Saint Glenn

The RV Book Tour for Making Piece is underway. The Beast, with its new decals that read “Pie Across the Nation” and “Honk if you love pie,” has logged 2,000 miles so far — which translates as about six tanks of gas. We have crossed six states — Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and, finally, […]