The “Romantische Strasse” Awaits

I was going to write about how surprisingly difficult, emotionally, this move out of Portland has been. I was going to explain how for someone who is a free-spirited gypsy like me, who moves on average every 8 months, this time it feels harder than usual to uproot myself from my nest. I was going […]

Team Switzerland Takes the RV

Phase One of my move out of Portland has begun. The RV (aka: The Beast) is on its way to Southern California. But I’m not driving it this time. No. Behind the wheel you will find my lifelong friend from Switzerland, Eve Kamer.In the front passenger seat is Eve’s friend and co-worker, the smiling and […]

RV Dreams

I had a bad dream last night. In my dream I was driving my MINI in Seattle, across the 520 bridge. It was raining (surprise) and the traffic was very heavy (surprise again). There were people standing on the sides of this highway/floating bridge, and they looked desperate, the way people do in a science-fiction […]

Dance Recital

Less than 48 hours after my long haul from LA to Portland, I drove the RV north to Seattle — with my parents and two dogs as passengers, in the rain — for my 9-year-old niece’s dance recital. Tired and cranky and clenching the RV steering wheel as semis whizzed past, kicking up curtains of […]

A Life of Contrasts

One of the qualities I pride myself on is my range of adaptability. I am equally at home camping in the wilderness (with no toilet or shower for days!) as I am staying in five-star hotels (soaking in a Jacuzzi bath and ordering room service). Marcus shared this love of contrasts and we even had […]

First Pie Made in the RV

I’m still in LA and though I have a 1,000-mile drive back to Portland awaiting me this week I didn’t mind making a 120-mile round-trip drive to Faria Beach this past weekend to take my friend Christine (pictured below) on her first RV road trip adventure. In fact, the weekend was one of many firsts.It […]

The Reality of Selling a Reality Show

After several weeks in LA, I’m packing up the RV and returning to Portland. I’ve never been so looking forward to going back to the rainy Pacific Northwest – more specifically to the quiet, calm sanctuary of my little treehouse apartment set on the edge of a vast, womblike forest. These last weeks have reminded […]

Need Your Pie Stories!

A funny thing happened a few weeks ago… a TV producer friend saw that I had driven Marcus’ RV down from Portland to LA. (Marcus, as many of you know, is my late husband who died unexpectedly at the age of 43). This producer also knew I baked pie. Seems that the romance of RV […]

Back in California: Salton Sea

It wasn’t easy, but I finally extracted myself from Arizona. I made it just east of Palm Springs last night before road weariness set in. The advantage of having an RV, so I have come to learn, is that you can stay places you wouldn’t if you just had a car. Goodbye, Motel 6. Hello, […]

Portland to LA…in the RV!

There is nothing like facing your fears — and overcoming them — to make you feel alive. Back in October I suggested in my post “8 Reasons to be Happy” that I would take our RV and drive to Crater Lake National Park, to honor the memory of where Marcus and I met. Seeing that […]