The World Needs More Pie

"Give a Piece a Chance." — Books. Blog. Pie Classes. And a Pinch of Activism.

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World Piece: Two Weeks in Switzerland

I left off with my blogging (and again, my apologies for not keeping up with it!) in Switzerland, where I arrived on July 29. I landed in the country’s capital of Bern, depleted from a debilitating stomach bug I picked up somewhere between Lebanon and Greece, and stayed with my lifelong friend Uschi Kamer for […]

World Piece Recap — 2/3 of the way through

I’m two-thirds of the way through my 3-month World Piece journey and I finally have a moment to update my blog. I had every intention of posting here regularly but the trip got away from me and there was never enough time, energy or Internet connections. I have, however, managed to post on my Facebook […]

A Letter — and Gooseberry Pie Recipe — from Switzerland

I thought I would share this letter from Eve, my friend from Switzerland who I wrote about in my blog last fall, when I was visiting her. It’s a nice reminder that love of pie knows no international boundaries. Hi Bethli! It’s good you write a pie blog or else I would believe you’re dead. […]

Obama Loves Pie!

Here’s how amazing it is to be globally connected with cell phones, Internet and other multi-media miracles. I was sitting in my friend Eve’s house in a tiny village in Switzerland, staring out at the cows grazing in the foothills of the Alps (view pictured right), when Eve’s sister Uschi called from The Maldives. She […]

Cause and Effect: A Pie is Born in Switzerland

I love it when this happens! Eve, my friend in Switzerland, read my blog from the other day about our Skype conversation and the subsequent posting of pictures from our Alps ski week in 2005. In response, I was greeted with an email in my inbox this afternoon which included this picture of Eve holding […]

Switzerland Calling: About Aprons and Apple Pie

The beauty of having an Internet connection (and a pie blog) is being able to stay in touch with friends, family, and news worldwide. Today I had two friends call me using Skype – a fabulous, free phone-like service that also allows you to see each other with video. One friend called from London, the […]