The World Needs More Pie

"Give a Piece a Chance." — Books. Blog. Pie Classes. And a Pinch of Activism.

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Mission Pie, PART II — Five Easy Pieces

And now for the best part of every pie interview…THE PIE! It’s the reward for taking our time to learn about every aspect of a pie baker’s business. But a business is often only as successful as the products it sells. So here we go, doing “Quality Control” at Mission Pie.Five easy pieces….starring, from left […]

Day 10: TV Pilot — Pie with a Mission, PART I

We arrived at Mission Pie at 8:00AM on Thursday. The early start time didn’t bother us as we arrived to a warm and cozy atmosphere, nice people, and good, strong coffee. Oh, and a lot of pie. There goes the neighborhood….in a good way. The location of this pie shop is intentional and a way […]

Day 9: TV Pilot — Pie Delivered by Bicycle

Day Nine’s shoot started early in San Francisco — in a torrential downpour. Not good for filming pies being delivered by bicycle! We waited out the rain in a coffee house and I used the time to update my blog. (Has anyone noticed I am 2 days behind?!)The rain let up and we found ourselves […]

Day 8: TV Pilot — Driving from LA to San Francisco

Monday was a dismal day for a drive from LA to San Francisco, but we had interviews lined up for Tuesday and Wednesday and thus were committed to going. We chugged along, sometimes going as slow as 45MPH, over the snowy Tejon Pass.At least I had good company for driving with Janice and Jack as […]

Day 7: TV Pilot — Hello Hollywood

Today was a day of meeting old friends and making new ones. We started off in Malibu at the beach house of Kathy Eldon. Kathy and I met in Nairobi, Kenya 23 years ago where we discovered in the first five minutes of talking that we were both from Iowa. Our friendship has spanned the […]

Day 6: TV Pilot — FREE PIE FOR LA!

What a day. This may have been one of the best, most memorable days of my entire life. I believe it’s a day many people whose lives we touched on Saturday will also remember for a long time to come. Why? Because of PIE! Free pie! How often do you walk down a city sidewalk […]

Day 5: TV Pilot — 50 Pie Marathon

On Friday (sorry, I’m a day behind on blogging) I assembled a group of my closest friends, plus a few other helpers, in a borrowed big kitchen in Santa Monica. Our goal was to make 50 pies in one day to give them away — one slice at a time — the following day for […]

Pie Tally So Far

Janice, the producer/cameraperson on the shoot, was complaining this morning that she is gaining weight on this trip. First, I told her, “You really haven’t had that much pie. You only had one bite of coconut cream and you didn’t eat any apple yesteday.” And then I said with a teasing grin, “Don’t blame pie.” […]

Day 4: TV Pilot — Oak Glen, California

We debated whether or not we should cancel our scheduled visit to Oak Glen (elevation 2,800) as it had snowed the previous day. We didn’t want to get stuck with the RV — and even though I bought chains before leaving Portland, my goal was to never get myself into a situation where I would […]

Day 3: TV Pilot — Mommie Helen’s in Colton, CA

Day 3 took us in search of Shaq’s favorite pie — Sweet Potato — in Colton, California. We spent the entire afternoon with Dorothy Pryor Rose, owner of Mommie Helen’s Bakery and enjoyed not only hearing about her philanthropic efforts through pie — she gives a lot of pie away to charity — but we […]