The World Needs More Pie

"Give a Piece a Chance." — Books. Blog. Pie Classes. And a Pinch of Activism.

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My Cookbook is Alive and Doing Well!

I‘m so happy (and relieved) that my second book is finally out (no more “Gulp” stage, phew!) Not only that, I am getting such a positive response to it. It’s debuting at #2 on the bestseller list of pie books — and it’s only been out 2 days!“It’s so pretty,” is what I’m hearing. “I can’t […]

The Gulp: Waiting for my Cookbook to Launch

My cookbook, “Ms. American Pie: Buttery Good Pie Recipes and Bold Tales from the American Gothic House,” comes out in just a few weeks. I got the book deal exactly one year ago and started writing it last April. I worked on the recipes all summer. I did the photo shoot in June and July. […]

Pi Day Giveaway! Win a Copy of my Cookbook

It’s National Pi Day (3.14)! Let’s celebrate the infinite ways that pie can make the world a better place. For starters, WIN A COPY OF “MS. AMERICAN PIE.” My new cookbook will be in stores April 15, but you can get it sooner and for free by entering to win! Also included is a copy […]

Happy Author, Happy FedEx Guy

When I made that strawberry crumble pie on Friday, I had the idea to share a slice of it with the FedEx guy when he delivered my cookbook. On Monday morning at 10 a.m. I just happened to open the door  and saw the FedEx truck parked. I summed up the situation: FedEx Driver. Check. […]

Isn’t It Ironic?

Daisy. Posing on the front porch of the American Gothic House.This photo appears in my new cookbook, “Ms. American Pie.” I bought myself a bottle of my favorite white wine, La Crema Chardonnay, in anticipation of celebrating the end of a long, productive week.  But as they day wore on and cocktail hour approached, I […]

A Letter to my Housesitter

Dear K,                                           March 2, 2014 I’m so grateful you are taking care of my house while I’m away, but I’m sorry you are having to deal with my [insert your own adjective here] neighbors. […]

My TEDx Des Moines Women Talk is Now Online

In December I had the privilege of giving a TEDx talk in Des Moines, Iowa. I’ve given many speeches over the past few years, but this one was special to me. If you’re familiar with TED and its independently organized TEDx events, then you know what I mean. TED stands for technology, entertainment and design, […]

Hip Hop Pie Bakers and LA Lakers

I’ve been away from Eldon for a few months now. I’m making good on my word that I would not spend another winter in Iowa. I have to remind myself of that promise every so often because in spite of enjoying the record-breaking summer-like weather of Southern California (what a luxury to wear flip flops […]

Author Sarah Turnbull Resurfaces At Last

In June 2003, I moved to Stuttgart, Germany to marry a smart and sexy automotive engineer, Marcus. It was the year Europe had record-breaking triple-digit temperatures. One of the first German words I learned, a word that still sticks with me the way the layers of sweat did that summer, was Hitzewelle. Heat wave. I […]